Case For: Food Synthesizer vs. Replciator

We are still a little way from having voice activated Food Synthesizers, which pulls atoms from the quantum computer data banks with the regenerative molecular geometry to create food that contains the necessary nutritional requirements need for human consumption and that looks appealing for the apatite.

However, "Replciator", have been around for thousands' of years just look in the mirror. With the current state of the 21st century economic situation. People are opting out for "Artificial Intelligent robots", to create there meals. This has both its pros and cons! One it takes away from the labor working force, and two a large majority of humanity really don't know how to cook a nutritious meal. In both cases for human and AI if both are able to read they are able to be inspired to create master peace's of edible quinzaine. Inconclusion humanity even for its little hiccups are capable of achieving some real awesome and creative ways of making things seem delectably appetizing meaning feeding the soul with hospitable kindness.

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